application form exerce 2025/2027

  Recent photo ID

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choose a JPG file.
max file size 5 Mo

First name
Date of birth (french format : dd/mm/yyyy)
Address / postal code / city
Country of residence
Cell phone
Email address
Current professional or student status
Specify your last diploma

1/ Briefly discuss your personal background how and why a two years artistic training linked to a University frame would enable you to carry out your research? (3000 characters maximum)


2/ Video links of your projects:


3/ Considering your current projects and processes, please identify one or more research topics? (2000 characters maximum)


4/ What do you consider “choreographic” within your artistic practices? (2000 characters maximum)


5/ Is there a particular approach or author, within the history of Arts and ideas, and current art scene, that holds special interest for you? (2000 characters maximum)

Please attach your detailed CV as well as any other document to illustrate your work (texts, pics gathered on one PDF document)
Choose a PDF file.(max file size 10 Mo)

How did you hear about the application ?